
Make an online request if You want to order a site development or a logo, a design of printed matters or some other services. Point out the theme of your future resource and your wishes and preferences. We will contact You to discuss all the other details.

Company details

Galior Studio, LLC. TAN 291515053

Postal address: 224013 Republic of Belarus, Brest, PO box 15

Account EUR: BY42 ALFA 3012 2321 2100 2027 0000
Account USD: BY57 ALFA 3012 2321 2100 1027 0000

43-47 Surganova Str., 220013 Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Галиор® и Galior® are registered trade signs. All rights on trade signs and intellectual property are reserved. Copying and distribution of any materials of the site without an agreement of the rightholder are prosecuted at law.



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