Product catalogue

The simplest way to present information to clients is catalogue, where description of goods and services are enumerated. It considerably will cut time for consulting and will allow customers or buyers choose all that they need without assistance.

WE offer creation of internet product catalogues with the use of such platforms as Bitrix, OpenCart and WordPress. These are Content Management Systems, which are notable for maximum simplicity (even a beginner will cope with them). With their help it is easy to add or renew information and to learn fast how to work with the system.

All catalogues created by us have:

  • Well defined-structure. Items are subdivided into categories and subcategories according to kinds of products and services.
  • Handy navigation. We tend to create diabolically simple, easy to understand catalogues, to simplify the procedure of searching for required goods for the client.
  • Detailed description of the products (at the customer’s option). All texts will be written by professional copywriters according to specification of the product. For more illustrativeness photo and video materials (presented by a client or added without assistance) can be used.
  • Unique design.

Product catalogue is a simple way of informing clients about all the opportunities that they can get applying in this company of firm. It can be additionally equipped with online order system, that obviously will be enjoyed by visitors: they will be able not only to look through.

What does development include:

  • Web site’s structure and all site’s sections and pages projection.
  • Individual design.
  • High quality cross browser layout. What does it mean? Pages of your site will have equally correct displaying in all the popular browsers.
  • Integration of the control system, setting.
  • Connection and setting of module for the creation of backup copy of a site. Placement in your hosting.
  • Site launching.
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