Landing page

Order a landing page for productive online selling or selling sphere extension. It will not only tell your potential clients about goods but also motivate them to make a purchase. Correctly composed landing page is half the battle of a blog or a site.

Main function of landing page for the company or organization is presentation and selling its goods and services. That is why landing pages are so popular nowadays. It aims to turn a visitor into a buyer or a client.

Such page can be arranged as separate small site, one page of the web site or as a blog. If it is one from/of many other services it will be better to place it in separate section of operational site. But if a particular item is advertised, for example some courses or webinar, one paginal recourse will have a better look: it will help to focus the attention of the visitors on an item.

There is only one principle to estimate the quality of a landing page – it brings profit or doesn’t. We create pages that work. Each of them contains sales-texts. It is not only simple description of an item or a service but also motivation of a client to make a purchase or an order.

In addition to motivating text on a landing page the presence of such elements is recommended:

  • Custom button. Of course you can put here billing information, but direct transition to registration of a purchase is more convenient.
  • Competitive edge.
  • Insurance agreement/ guarantees. Customers trust more to companies that guarantee repayment in case of any problems with an order will occur. The owner of the page quote terms himself.
  • Support: phone, online consultant and etc.
  • Links to partners programs if any.

We will develop such page that undoubtedly will attract wide range of customers.

What does development include:

  • Page structure planning/design: block placement, presentation of information.
  • Individual design.
  • High quality cross browser layout. What does it mean?
  • Integration of the control system, setting..
  • Filling.
  • Connection and setting of order forms.
  • Connection and setting of box/ module/cell for the creation of backup copy of a site.
  • Connection of online manager box.
  • Web site’s connection to Yandex web master.
  • Connection of Yandex metric ( Yandex statistics gathering).
  • Setting of “Aims” in Yandex metric (for conversion analyses).
  • Placement in your hosting. Landing launching.
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