Design layouts for printing

Pamphlets, calendars, color catalogues, notebooks and other graphic productions are the best way to remind of your company and provide additional advertisement. Such variant is more reliable than simple leaflets and banners, because all the production won’t get into accidental hands but will presented as a souvenir to potential partners, clients, suppliers and customers. To make this way of advertisements more effective you should pay more attention to design of polygraphy. To put logo and slogan is not enough. You should be noticeable and recognizable and our specialists manage to provide an appropriate effect.

Our studio deals with various types of printed matters; we can offer you different variants according to your wishes and preferences. Our designers provide you with appropriate execution of your catalogues, pamphlets, calendars, and various leaflets.

First stage of project development is acquaintance with kind of activity of the company and analysis of its potential clients. Layout can be added with separate details for each type of printed matter, if it needed the picture can be decreased and the quantity of elements cut. Every project is an individual approach and exact correspondence with all the wishes of a client.

Polygraphy design is always exclusive realization, where logo and corporate style of a customer became the leading elements. It brings recognizability among clients and partners. If you
only start your business our specialists will help to find you corporate style and develop logo design for your company.

Order polygraphy design in our studio, you will get exclusive, developed specially for you layouts, which will be print in every polygraphy.

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